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Raspberry Moonshine

     Manufactured by: Mosca Seeds

€ 100,00
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Diese regulären Hanfsamen vom Hersteller MoscaSeeds bringen dem Grower eine hervorragende Pflanze die intensivst nach Himbeeren und Blaubeeren duftet. Raspberry Moonshine ist ein wirklich toller mostly-Indica-Hybrid der perfekt für Indoors und für Anfänger geeignet ist. Wenn du auf der Suche nach einer richtig hochwertigen Cannabissorte bist, dann hast du mit Raspberry Moonshine definitiv die richtige Sorte gefunden, die Resultate sind immer großartig und werden dich stets begeistern.

Mosca Seeds - perfect cannabis strains

This very nice producer of finest high quality cannabis seeds called Mosca Negra is known for producing superb hybrids based on american genetics of highest quality. Most of their varieties are very fast and easy to grow with amazing medical results. When you grow their range of indica and skunk strains you will get an amazing quality cannabis. Mosca Seeds offers strains like OldTimeMoonshine (which is a realy fine indica produced by DJ Short long time ago), OldTimeIndiana Bubblegum (Legend IndicanaBubblegumClone x Old Time Moonshine) or a the very nice and highquality inbreedline of Cinderella 99 S1. The seeds by Mosca are recommended especially for indoors, for beginners and expert growers. Also have a look at the very nice hempstrain called Ripple which is a cross of Stinky Le Pew and OldTimeMoonshine - when you smell this beautiful plant you feel like sleeping in a bed of blueberries.

  • Model: MOS_15
  •      Manufactured by: Mosca Seeds

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