Bienvenue a Cannapot


€ 35,00  € 29,75
incl. 13% TVA

Loud Seeds

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Loud Seeds is a collective of experienced growers and breeders from Northern California and the Netherlands who cam together in 2001 for starting in breeding new-style marijuana hybrids. They collected seeds during all the years and worked on increasing the positive qualities of the strains till the year 2007 when they officially started their enterprise. Now they are multiple cannabis cup winners and they offer regular and feminized weedseeds. For example the strain called Headband is a winner at the different competitions for its very sweet and reliable quality. Since 2013, Loud Seeds is located in the sweet north of Spain in the beautiful area of Barcelona.

Durban Poison
€ 30,00
incl. 13% TVA

Ventes actuelles

Enchères de graines Prix Se termine
Skywalker Kush 11.50 € ~ 5 d
Crazy Murdock 15.00 € ~ 5 d
Toutes les enchères