Bienvenue a Cannapot


€ 90,00  € 89,95
incl. 13% TVA

Dankonomics Genetics

Il n'y a actuellement aucun article dans cette catégorie.

This breeder called Dankonomics Genetics produces regular and feminized cannabisseeds for over two decades now. Dankonomic has been growing and breeding incredible good cannabisstrains with a lot of passion and over the years they created very good weedseeds with an amazing quality. All different strains offering everything a grower and collector is searching for: they are all easy to grow offering superb results and fantastic quality for sure. When you order these seeds you can be sure that you will get something real special and we are realy happy at our Cannapot store that we are able to offer these seeds now.

€ 50,00
incl. 13% TVA

Ventes actuelles

Enchères de graines Prix Se termine
Skywalker Kush 11.50 € ~ 5 d
Crazy Murdock 15.00 € ~ 5 d
Toutes les enchères