Auktion #1712600402

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Auto Sunburn Pineapple ???
Unleashed Genetics
5 Regular Seeds
Actual 4 bids
Auction finished since
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Auction finished at
Wednesday 22nd of May 2024 08:07:49 AM (CEST)
There will be another auction! ???
Auto Sunburn Pineapple: 5 Regular Seeds Auction Finished! before - Winning bid from "D" (6.50 €) Next possible bid: - € Highest (winning) bid: 6.50 € A B C D X BIDDEN: 6.50 € 8:07:49 CEST 5.00 € 15:53:37 CEST 5.50 € 20:26:23 CEST 6.00 € 0:56:01 CEST 6.50 € 15 May 16 May 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22 May

Bid history

The highest bidder in this auction is "D" with his bid about 6.50 €
User-ID Bid Raise Info
-- D -> 6.50 € + 0.50 € 17th May, 00:56:01 (CEST)
-- C -> 6.00 € + 0.50 € 16th May, 20:26:23 (CEST)
-- B -> 5.50 € + 0.50 € 16th May, 15:53:37 (CEST)
-- A -> 5.00 € - 15th May, 08:07:49 (CEST)